Hello World!

This is my first post on svbtle which I believe is different from other blog sites by supporting markdown. I am using jekyll for www.humankeyboard.com so I have full control on the site. Though, for a personal blog, I preferred something simpler while still being powerful. Medium, also has a beautiful interface, even simpler but doesn’t support markdown. I like collections under medium. Svbtle has magazine but I think it is not similar. I also have blog.ozgurakan.com which is a tumlr site, simple and has mobile applications on both android and ios but very limited. (I mean limited in terms of formatting. Otherwise it has nice distinction between post types which I like a lot.) So I use it more for inspiring quotes and sharing some ideas in short paragraphs. Soon I will start building a site called saltstack.me completely about Salt. I think I will use jekyll so it can be edited by multiple people and can be hosted on github as it is.


Now read this


It is a state of mind. It jumps from mind to mind. The more potential you have the bigger it’s impact is. It is contagious. It infects others around us, teams, organizations, companies. It has a name since mid 16th century and describes... Continue →